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Saitama Perfecture

Saitama perfecture is in Kanto region on Honshu Island. It is part of Greater Toyko. Perfecture capital Saitama City is 29km from Toyko.

Cities :

Kawagoe City

42km from Tokyo
Travel Information:
60mins by JR line from Tokyo

Kurazukuri Street

A street with traditional warehouses in kurazukuri style of the Edo period.The warehouses stored goods to supply to Tokyo during the Edo period. They were built from 1893 with fire resistant material.

Kurazukuri Street

The area is now a tourist attration with warehouses converted into shops.

Kurazukuri Street

The area is now a tourist attration with warehouses converted into shops.

Kurazukuri Street Museum of Kurazukuri

The warehouse of former tobacco wholesaler is now a museum about Kurazukuri construction.

Kurazukuri Street Bell of Time Tower

The 16m bell tower is used to tell time since 1644. The current tower was built in 1894.

Penny Candy Lane

Candy production in this area started from end of Edo period. In the 1920s, the candies were supplied to the entire Japan.

Penny Candy Lane Product Fugashi

A 95cm black sugar wheat gluten snack.

Penny Candy Lane Product Penny Candy

Traditional Japanese sweets.

Penny Candy Lane Product Penny Candy

Traditional Japanese sweets.

Saitama Resona Bank

The building was built in 1918 during the Taisho era and is still in use as a bank.

© 2010. If you are interested in any picture, please email me at  ckylss08@yahoo.com